Monday, 31 December 2012


2012. Year of the Queen's Jubilee. Year of the London Olympics. The year the world was, yet again, supposed to end. What did 2012 mean to you?

For me, 2012 was all about being better, doing more things, meeting more people. I feel like I accomplished all of those things. And then some. During this year I have had some of the most incredible experiences like going on safari, lying on a beach sipping cocktails in Zanzibar, watching the Rwandan Genocide trials. I've met some of the most amazing people from all over the world during volunteering and law school. I have lost a lot of weight and am sticking to the exercise plan I've drawn up for myself. I'm studying law and enjoying it.

During the past year I have grown into something different, and hopefully, something more than I was last year. I may not have achieved everything I wanted to do or be but I can look back at the past year content at my progress. There are things that I wished I had done differently, or things I would have liked to have taken a different path than they did, but I can honestly look back on 2012 and say this was the best year of my life. On 31/12/12 I am fitter, more assured, more travelled than I was on 01/01/12. I have made more friends and kept in touch with those that I have made better. I've discovered that I can be organised and that I communicate well. I've started teaching myself a new language and researching where I want to go next. Always planning for the future, instead of dwelling on the past. In my mind, this has been a successful year.

There has still been things that I haven't managed. That vacation scheme interview still eludes me and my lack of blogging since I came back from Tanzania is something I regret. However, they will just have to improve in 2013 and 2013 will be even better for it. I'm going to be fitter, more confident, going after what I want. I am gunning for that training contract, I will do well on my GDL and I am going to travel even more. I'll start blogging again, I'll learn how to fix my own car, I may even pick up my guitar again like I've always said I would. All of this because 2012 has shown me how good it can be. So to all of you who have played your part, in my studies, my work and my play, thank you and I look forward to all of you being involved in even better things to come.

Happy New Year everyone :)

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